Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Has it been long enough yet?

OK, it's almost been a year since we ambitiously started this slacker blog.  I think it's time for our third post.  Well, Terri - what did YOU accomplish in 2011 and what do you hope to accomplish in this, our possibly final year (according to the Mayans).  I have so many ambitious ideas, I'd like to share a few with you.

One:  My year in photos.  I hereby vow to more successfully complete my "picture of the day" theme that I started in 2011 and made it until about March.  Yes, I admit that some of those days I went in and changed the date stamp so I could have one from each day - and I even uploaded about 30 once and said it was for a month...maybe this year I will be more accurate.  If you want to join me, there's (of course) an app for that!  I have it on my itouch and every day you can take a photo and upload it into the premade calendar.  I'm not sure what you can do with it after that, but let's see how far I can go first.  Of course, you iphone will probably take much better pictures than mine, but if you want some creative help - you may already know about camera+ app.  I've seen some photos taken using that on Facebook and they look pretty great.  I'm sure there's more out there, so let me know if you find any.

Of course I want to do with my SLR as well, so I will use my other blog, Melissa Maillett Photography, to display those.  The first 2 day's photos are still on a card in my camera so I count on you to urge (read "nag") me to get them into the blog.

Two:  How about, "project every 2 weeks"?  I was going to say a project a week, but I don't think some of these can be accomplished in a week.  I need to recane a few chairs, finish knitting a scarf, simply add a border and quilt a little blanket that I found that my mom had almost completed....let's see - oh yest, take the ABC baby border off my 15-year-old son's walls, hang some pictures and numerous other projects that seem fun for about the first 30 minutes.

Three:  Of course, this is the year I will draft the great American novel.  What about you?

Four:  I want to convert boxes of old slides into digital files.  I know of a place that you mail them out to, but have been to chicken to try it out.

Five:  In the same vein, would like to get our old VHS wedding video tapes transferred to movie files that I can play with and actually have something worth watching.  It was great having two people volunteer to videotape our wedding reception, but not such a great idea when one of those people placed the camera on a table and left it running for about half the tape.

Ok, I leave it to you now - what resolutions did you make this year?  Will you keep any?

Oh - as a special treat, I did download the first three photos from my 365 project and included them here....


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

So, I have decided that we are conceptual artists. We design, write, think the art, but we leave it for someone else to do.
Examples? THE song. The one we wrote at the window table at Donovan's. We wrote it, named the band, we probably thought of the cover art for the album.
I can't remember all of the fabulous projects we've thought up over the years, but as we go along, we can list them.
It feels better giving our going nowhere creativity a name, now, doesn't it?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Here we are!  The Original Motivated Slackers!  Everyone knows someone like us - that person or persons who "could have been somebody" if they just acted upon their ideas.  Always a great idea, never any great actions.  What's worse, even trying to motivate the other one doesn't help!  What do we have to show for our great ideas?  Nothing.  I think we actually thought up the Iphone ten years ago.

So, to continue in this vein - we've decided to EMBRACE our slackerness (is that a word - could we have created that word?) and just list here all the great ideas that we've come up with and never done anything further.

Who knows, maybe we'll make someone a millionaire.